What is Wild Money?

Sometimes there is an intuition, a feeling inside, a spontaneous culmination of thoughts that must have been percolating, but it feels like it has come out of thin air.

And even though it seems to have come from nowhere, there is a truth so fundamental that you just know it is answering a question you have been holding.

Of course, soon after, if it’s a really good thought, a million new questions form. . .

That’s how “Wild Money” came to me.

Two words on the page of my morning journaling practice.

Immediately, I knew it was the name of something big. I had that feeling, like the first time you look at your companion and it dawns on you that it’s love; I had the title of a book yet to be written.

The name of a philosophy: a movement yet to be formed.

And as with any really good thought that bubbles up like a gift, it opened up a new world to me. . .

“What does Wild Money mean,”  “Where will this take me?”  “How does this relate to my dream of helping women around the world heal their relationship with money?”

There was a lot of adventure and circling back through ideas. For two years my curiosity and discovery was like an archeological dig, uncovering new angles of what Wild Money really means. I didn’t always find answers in every try. Sometimes it was easier to get to the definition of what something is by digging out the dirt of what it isn’t.

Wild Money is not about being reckless, unconscious, or flighty with money.

It is not about spending carelessly or with abandon. Wild Money is not an excuse to disregard responsibility, nor is it a chance to be destructive or out of control.

The wild in Wild Money is about dropping domesticated attitudes and behaviors so that you can return to your natural, sustainable self.

“Wild” as in pristine wilderness.

“Wild” as in wholly untainted by expectation and obligation.

“Wild” as in sassy and free.

Wild Money  is about being self-reliant and playful, rather than rigid and clueless. By engaging your creativity, you will uncover what your relationship with money actually looks like; once visible you can create change.

I’m curious how this definition of “Wild” makes you feel.  Click here to listen to my full interview with my editor, Jeffrey Davis from www.trackingwonder.com.  Pay attention to minute 10:30, where I talk about “Wild Money.”


Is it like a gate opening onto a new adventure, or does it make you a little nervous about all the possibilities layered in this concept of a more natural relationship with money?

I’d love your voice in the discussion, leave your comments below!




This Post Has 1 Comment

  1. Rachel says:

    I LOVE this definition of Wild! I had never thought of a “natural” relationship with money until you. Now whenever I do something well, learn a little more about doing money well it’s like a little wildflower sprouting up! I love the idea of returning to a natural state.

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